Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Reading List

One of my favorite things in the summer months, is to lay on a blanket in the backyard with the kids and read books together. It is even more fun this year because Logan is reading more on his own. Here is a list of things we want to get through in the next couple months:

We are waiting for this book to get here in the mail. Dan and I both love the James Herriot books and can't wait to share them with our kids! If you haven't read them I highly recommend them. They are both heart-warming and very funny!

The kids and I ordered this book for Dan for Father's Day. It comes highly recommended. We love Andrew Peterson's music and don't doubt that he is a gifted storyteller as well. We began the first chapter as a family but quickly decided that Dan and I would read it together first before the kids. Logan still gets scared at night and the first chapter was about children getting taken out of their beds at night when everyone else is sleeping - yikes! I know he will love it when he is older. Dan and I are enjoying reading it together at night before bed. It's great so far!

This summer, we started this new devotional in the mornings with the kids. It has been fantastic! It is brief and asks great questions that are age appropriate for our kids. I feel like it is grounding them in some good basic theology. We are reading through the first few days in Genesis and it brings it back to Jesus every third day. Today we read about when God made Eve and gave her to Adam. We talked about marriage and how it was designed by God. We also looked through our wedding album and talked about when Dad and Mom got married and how wonderful it was! So much fun.

So that's our reading list...what are you reading this summer? I always love new suggestions!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Miss Artsy

This little girl loves to do "projects". She is constantly wanting to glue something or color something. It is fun to see her learn this way but also a little tiring to try and keep up with fun things for her to do! Here she is decorating a super lame butterfly that I tried to draw for her. She ended up not liking it. I think it was my drawing skills.

Her all time favorite thing to do is fingerpaint. She would fingerpaint all day every day if mom had the patience and energy. She cracked us up one day when she was riding her bike. I said, "Macy you are riding your bike really great today!" She said, "Yeah, and I really love to fingerpaint."

She is a total mess when she does it and just likes to smear all the colors together. Thankfully it all washes off easily! She is a blessing to us.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Where We Are Now

We have had quite the switcheroo around here lately. A couple weeks ago, we received a phone call from one of the charter schools in town. We had put Logan in the lottery before kindergarten in case we chose putting him in school. He never got in which we were totally okay with. We ended up homeschooling him and it was a great experience. Well, they called because a family had moved and he was next on the waiting list. What to do was the question. We were enjoying homeschool but also thought it would be a fun experience for him to go to a school for the last month. We ended up putting him in and he is really enjoying it. But, alas, now is the question of what to do next year. We really love the school that he is in. Of all the school choices in our town, it is the one we like the best. They are a secular school, but they stress kindness, compassion and are vigilant against bullying. There are so many things I want to impart to our son and I see it being more difficult to be an influence in his life when he is gone so much of the day. However, we have a Macy factor. She is receiving speech therapy through the school system now and we are trying to decide if the best thing for her would be to continue on in the school system or learn at home. We are in process of making our decision. We lean toward homeschool but we will make our final decision hopefully early this summer.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

School For This Week

This week I bought some things at the dollar store to make a center piece for Easter week. Every day we light a candle and read what occurred the week before Jesus' death. The kids are enjoying it so far. Friday evening we won't light any candles until Sunday morning when they wake up. Than we will have music playing and all the candles lit!

This week our unit is on "z" and the zebra. Yesterday, the kids painted stripes on a great zebra drawn compliments of Dan!! I thought they turned out really cute. They had to name their zebras and write a sentence about them. We had alot of fun.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Battle

Some people were just born to homeschool. It is their passion. This is not me. I am a work in progress. Just last week I was so done. Done. DONE! And it's only kindergarten! I even went as far as to make an appointment with the principal of a private Christian school in town. I am still planning on going so that we can be more educated on our options, but I feel like I've come back around to being committed to homeschool this next year. Is this going to happen every year? Or shall I say, every month? As I try to process through what is going on in this crazy, often irrational, mind of mine I have come to understand that this is a lack of trust in God. No matter what, I need to trust that God is going to work in the lives of my children. God can work in the lives of my children whether they are in public, private or homeschool. Granted, I believe that I can create a more solid foundation at home and protect my kids from alot of negative influences that may affect their view of God, but if I begin to believe that this is the only way, than I am not trusting in the sovereignty of our God and Savior.

Do you remember when we were very young, and in school we saw the picture of the ape changing and progressing into the humans that we are today? I remember looking at that picture and knowing without a doubt that it was a bunch of bologna. Why did I know that? I don't remember anyone specifically telling me that, but I know that He was written in my heart and was drawing me to Himself at a very young age. Maybe if I was homeschooled, I would have been protected from that and maybe wouldn't have had to wrestle with it as much or at least at such an early age, but yet God was still working. God was using Christians in my life to show me that this was not truth. School is where many children begin to doubt the reality of God because they see things in science or social studies or hear things from their teachers or friends that don't line up with Scripture. They begin to take note of these things and if they are not engaged by parents at home and taken to Scripture and rightly trained, it can be disastrous to their young faith. I am not downplaying that reality at all. And much of this is why we have chosen to homeschool. I guess it comes down to bathing your children in prayer and being diligent to pursue them in whatever school setting they are in. No matter what, we need to be filling our children with the truth of God's Word and fighting against the influences of the world around us. And, of course, TRUSTING GOD!!! This world is opposed to the very things of God and we need to be fighting for our kids' hearts and minds.

As I wrestled through this inner battle for the umpteenth time, I again was reassured that I need more time with Logan at home encouraging him and giving him a better foundation so that he is better able to make good decisions in the future. And if we choose homeschool, I need to trust that God will work through me and I will be able to carry it out on a daily basis. Can I trust that God will give me the strength, desire and diligence to follow through?

So, for now I don't have to change the subtitle to this blog. . .but check back next week and it might be different!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Goodie from Girltalk

"Are you in love with your husband? Not, Do you love him? I know you do. He has been around a long time, and you're used to him. He is the father of your children. But are you in love with him? How long has it been since your heart really squeezed when you looked at him?...Why is it you have forgotten the things that attracted you to him at first?...Your husband needs to be told that you love him, that he is attractive to you. By the grace of God, I want you to start changing your thought pattern. Tomorrow morning, get your eyes off the toaster or the baby bottles long enough to LOOK at him. Don't you see the way his coat fits his shoulders? Look at his hands. Do you remember when just to look at his strong hands made your heart lift? Well, LOOK at him and remember. Then loose your tongue and tell him you love him. Will you ask the Lord to give you a sentimental, romantic, physical, in-love kind of love for your husband? He will do this." ~Shirley Rice

Saturday, March 19, 2011

St. Patty's Day 2011

We had big fun celebrating St. Patty's Day this year. We had a party/school with some friends. We graphed, made leprechauns and wrote sentences about them, learned about the holiday, had green jello and lots and lots of fun. I found this idea for the cupcakes online. The rainbows are made out of airheads that you smoosh together and then cut and bend. I searched high and low for the gold coins but finally found some in the Easter section at a dollar store in town. It was great for me to relearn about St. Patrick - one reason I love teaching my kids! Did you know that legend says St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Trinity to the Irish? I never knew! I am relearning so many things!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Fun Apron

I did end up finishing my apron project while the husband was away. I was way too tired by nighttime but was able to sneak in some sewing time while the kids watched an afternoon video. I would put the baby down for her afternoon nap and slip in a movie for the kids and get just a wee little tiny break.

Here's the middle child in her apron. She loves loves anything sweet so cupcakes were very fitting.

I thought it turned out really cute. It definitely has the homemade look but it will work great for helping in the kitchen and all that fingerpainting that she loves! My son's picture will be soon to follow. I still need to pose him!

You can find the how-to instructions by clicking here.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dan is gone for 5 days starting tomorrow. For the most part, I do not fair well when he is gone. I am, however, determined to have a good attitude about the whole thing. I am truly glad that Dan is going to this year's Shepherd's Conference in California. It's gonna be awesome for him.

I went to a coffee shop today, ordered a latte, and sat down for a few minutes to write out a game plan. I do better with game plans.

Here is a copy of my list:

~I will purpose to be thankful and joyful in my interactions with my kiddos.

~I will remain in training mode where I will try my hardest to consistently discipline for disobedience instead of throwing in the towel because I am "too tired" and I am doing it all on my own.

~I will show much grace, kindness, love and compassion. I will RELAX! Stop freaking out about the dirty counters and messy bedrooms and sit on the floor and play "store" with the kids already!

~When I am about ready to blow, I will STOP, take a deep breath and smile...

~We are going go do something fun every day.

~I will wake up early before the kids each morning to get a little time and read my bible and look over this list. I need to get my day started on the right foot!

And of course, when I mess up (and there is no doubt that I will) I will confess and find forgiveness at the cross. Thank You, Lord, that there is always forgiveness in Christ.

Now that I have these in writing they must be practiced, right? I will keep you posted with the results.

Oh, and I am going to sew. I have to keep myself busy at night so I don't get the blues...I am going to sew some aprons for the kids from this fun blog.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Love the Fabric Store!

It was so nice to go to the fabric store today with no kids. I got to stroll down the isles and look at all the different fabrics without the kids having to go potty or getting bored or hungry or tired. It was awesome! I bought some fabric that I am going to use to make some aprons for the kids when they do art projects or baking. I am so excited to share them with you when they are finished!

I saw some really cute fabrics for some bibs for the baby. She has been needing some new ones and I thought I would make them so they'd look a little more fun. They were super easy. I just used an old bib for a pattern and used flannel on the back. They each took about 20 minutes.

Here she is sporting the bib for dinner tonight! So stylish!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Creating Dialogue after a Sermon

Though, often times our kids are in Junior Church, there are times that they hear the sermon at church. I liked this post by Joe Holland about talking to your kids about the sermon. It was a good reminder that they are taking in more than we realize.

a good quote - "Without an emphasis on Jesus your little saints will grow up thinking that the Bible is all about them."

Read it HERE

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Need a Carb Fix?

I posted pictures a long time ago on my other blog when I made homemade bagels. I was remembering yesterday when I was making them that I had alot of requests for the recipe. Well, today is the day that I finally got around to putting it up!! These bagels are positively yummy. I usually use white flour just because the wheat makes them very very dense. Sometimes I will mix in 1/2-1 cup of whole wheat if I am feeling a little guilty! The recipe seems long and tedious but it really isn't bad. It is well worth it when you can smell them cooking and you can pull them out and spread lots of butter or cream cheese on them with a cup of tea - heavenly!!

Homemade Bagels

Dissolve 1 pkg. yeast (or 1 T.), 2 T. honey or brown sugar in 1/4 cup warm water. When it bubbles add 1 3/4 cup cold water. In food processor or Kitchen Aid, mix 5 cups flour with 2 tsp. salt. (I have tried the food processor and have had much better success with my kitchen aid using the kneading paddle thingy.)

Add yeast/water and mix slowly (over 2 minutes) to flour mixture with food processor or blender turned on. Once the dough is sufficiently mixed to form a nice dough, knead just a few times on floured surface. Let rise 1 hr. in covered tupperware or warm place. Punch down and knead again a few times.

Roll into cylinders 6" long. Shape into knots or donut shapes. Moisten ends with water to fasten securely. (I just wrap it around and do a small knot. I've never moistened the ends.) Rise 15 min.

In big pot, bring water with 1 tsp. salt and 2 T. sugar to boil. Drop bagels into water for 3 min. turning often. Take out and set on a wire wrack over a bowl to drain just a few minutes.

Bake at 425 on well-greased cookie sheet about 25 min. (mine usually don't take that long - check after about 12 minutes) or until golden brown.

This batch usually makes between 13-16 bagels depending on what size you make them. In our house, about half of them are gone right away!! Hope you enjoy them.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Homemade Soft Clay

This week our unit in school is the horse. We have had lots of fun doing activities related to horses and reading fun books about them. Here is a picture of the kids making there own horse and the letter H out of some homemade soft clay.

I have a quick easy recipe for homemade soft clay

In a pan, mix:

  • 1 to 1-1/4 cups flour
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • 2 T. cream of tartar

combine and add to the pan:

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 T. oil
  • a few drops of food coloring

Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture stiffens and forms a ball. Spoon onto a lightly floured surface and knead 1-2 minutes. Now you're ready for some fun! Store in an air-tight plastic bag.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What's New on the Bookshelf

Our newest resources for instructing our children to know and love God:

Instructing a Child's Heart by Tedd and Margy Tripp

Big Truths for Young Hearts by Bruce A. Ware

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Not Sure Why

So, I truly don't have time for this blog but thought I'd give it a whirl.  I already have a family blog but I would like to expand a little and try a site for posting all sorts of random tid bits.  Mostly these ramblings will relate to teaching our kids at home which we love and a little this and that.  I dabble in a little gardening, sewing, knitting and so forth and for some strange reason I am compelled to share it with everyone else. 

Who knows, maybe no one will ever read this stuff or worse will die of boredom trying.  Try to look past the grammatical errors and dorkiness and let's see how it goes. . .