Wednesday, April 20, 2011

School For This Week

This week I bought some things at the dollar store to make a center piece for Easter week. Every day we light a candle and read what occurred the week before Jesus' death. The kids are enjoying it so far. Friday evening we won't light any candles until Sunday morning when they wake up. Than we will have music playing and all the candles lit!

This week our unit is on "z" and the zebra. Yesterday, the kids painted stripes on a great zebra drawn compliments of Dan!! I thought they turned out really cute. They had to name their zebras and write a sentence about them. We had alot of fun.


  1. Looks fun. We had talked about doing the candle thing from Noel Piper's Lenten Lights. Got a late start this year. Definitely next year though. We need to chat! Today we're going to a friends house, not sure when we're getting back. If it's not too late I will give you a call.

  2. We also got a late start - that's why there are only 5 lights this year! We'll have a couple more next year! Can't wait to chat.
