Monday, February 28, 2011

Creating Dialogue after a Sermon

Though, often times our kids are in Junior Church, there are times that they hear the sermon at church. I liked this post by Joe Holland about talking to your kids about the sermon. It was a good reminder that they are taking in more than we realize.

a good quote - "Without an emphasis on Jesus your little saints will grow up thinking that the Bible is all about them."

Read it HERE

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the link. The church we now attend is small, so Kaylee usually sits in with us for Sunday school (the kids have theirs during the service). We have often been down the 'rabbit trails' with her as a result, sometimes days later!. The best time for this is bedtime. We will snuggle in bed and she has some time to talk about her day and will frequently ask questions that I struggle to answer. I had not thought to be more structured about it but will try now. Thanks!
